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just look at that girl YANG YILIN!!!... she damn pro at gymnastics. she won the bronze medal at the beijing olympics. plus i think she is younger than me.

I think this is the nicest picture taken:)
2E girls competitive runners.
Still got team photo but i dun have it with me now.
nxt time then i post those.

National Day + Olympics Celebrations<33
Today will be put in the treasure box containing the most memorable days of my life.
Reached Changi Beach around 7am with yiting and rason(sat his car...). The beach was empty and we were like the first to step foot on the beach. Watched the sun rise. It was so magnificent! I have never witnessed a sunrise until today!

It got bigger...

and BIGGER.......

and BIGGER!!!

haha. look at this artistic view^^
Today I am happy and sad. I shall cut a long story short. Happy because 2E got 2nd place in the interclass cross country run. It's all thanks to rason, clarence, rene and sean. Plus I like the medal that we were awarded. It's nice luhh. haha. I think everyone in 2E tried their best already and that is most important. The running part on the sand was... I feel like sinking and falling down every few steps I ran. lol. I'm sad because of a stich that slowed me down in the cross country. boo. When I slowed down, some yr 5 and yr 6 behind over took me. I was like screaming to myself, "OH NO!!!" lols. I really didnt expect myself to have a stitch when it did not occur to me in a million years. I received the number card 72 which means my position among all runners from yr 1 to yr 6 is the 72th. My heart dropped a little. I felt that I did not run my fullest. Well, I seriously learnt a lot from this competition. I shall not list it out. too lazy haha. At first we did not expect ourselves to win the medal. But we were wrong. I think I am position 6/7 in the yr 2 lvl. During the run, beisdes the bballers and some trakers infront of me, the rest was the senior high and some yr 1 students. In conclusion, I hope that the school would organize such cross country events again in the future for National Day Celebration. I think it's F.U.N!!!
I LOVE TODAY!!!! muahaha...