I hate this feeling. I really really do.
Everytime this happens, I feel terrible.
Then you start shouting and throwing tantrums.
And then you slam the door hard. Real hard.
I can feel the walls tremble.
My heart beat starts to race.
But I still held on.
I told myself to persevere.
It's very tough to juggle between school work and this.
And then my heart exploded into tears.
I may not show it.
But deep down, I feel hurt, sad, disappointed.
I can't stand it anymore!
I have told no one because no one would understand.
It's not fair.
I hate this feeling.
I need someone to hug me and tell me that everything's gonna be ok and everything will turn out better.
I wish you would stop all this nonsense so that I can enjoy some peace.
I hate you.
Sometimes I wished I had a sister.
My heart aches.
But at the same time, I still love you, because you are still my brother afterall.